The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 Yearn
5 Father of King
10 Musical
14 Plod
15 Ethan that led
     the Green
     Mountain Boys
16 Too
17 Drape
18 Book by Homer
19 Adolescent
20 Bard's before
21 Irish elf
23 Space laboratory
26 Utter
27 Mole
28 Snobs
31 Shaft of light
33 Snake charmer?
37 Smelled
41 Capital of the
42 Cafes
44 African river
45 Urge forward
47 Jewish council
49 Part of a min.
51 Kid
52 Adam and __
55 Volume (abbr.)
57 Rates
61 Not alike
65 Caesar's seven
66 Small particle
67 Adult insect
68 Carpe __
69 Musical notation
70 Civil
71 A Roman
72 Biblical weed
73 Didn't smell
74 Association
1 Sackcloth and
2 Lewis' partner
3 A land flowing
   with milk and __
4 Chicken creation
5 Inmate
6 Women's
7 Slide
8 Large
9 Please
10 Vow
11 Urgent requests
12 Expend (2 wds.)
13 Lad
22 Greenish-blue
24 Goes
25 Alternative
29 Binds
30 Widely known
32 Over there
33 Slide on snow
34 Dickens'Tiny __
35 Spiritedness
36 Cow
38 Title of respect
39 Samuel's
40 Cozy room
43 Irish clover
46 Tribe of Israel
48 Compass point
50 Jokers
52 Decree
53 Bowed stringed
54 Organic
56 Lessen
58 Crawling vines
59 Layers
60 Peter's other
62 Secure
63 Volcanic rock
64 Against
68 Cell stuff