The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 Piece of grass
6 Male parent
10 Heroic tale
14 Unwind
15 Son of Seth
16 Cain's brother
17 Overwhelms
19 Puff
20 Moral knowledge
21 7 days
23 Central
24 Part of a min.
26 Alcohol
28 Loose gown
     worn at Mass
31 Head of a U.S.
33 Also
34 Constellation
35 Lady's title
37 The devil
41 Mediterranean
43 Samuel's
44 Tan color
45 Trim wool
46 Canals
48 Relation
49 Type of
51 Hearing organ
52 Vane direction
53 Rain gears
57 Youngest son of
59 Time period
60 Torso
62 Ancient empire
67 Daniel was
     thrown into the
     __s' den
69 NT book
71 Very large book
72 Above
73 Leaves out
74 Fit of pique
75 Summer/Fall
76 Man-made fiber
1 Forehead
2 Tribe of Israel
3 Brews
4 Shina
5 Big exhibits
6 Church bench
7 Fresh
8 Read over
9 Avow
10 Drain
11 Taken __
12 Magic lamp
13 Sacrificial table
18 Last letter of
     Greek alphabet
22 Booths
25 Encrypted
27 He built the ark
28 Charity
29 Sister of Rachel
30 Tree trunk
32 Esteem
35 She was too
     busy with chores
36 Minor OT
38 Seize
39 Related
40 Love Potion
     Number __
42 Baby powder
47 Ensnares
50 A Christian
     woman from
53 Bombards
54 Constellation
55 Mother-in-law of
56 Struck (KJV)
58 Subatomic
61 Pig food
63 Covered with ice
64 Type of boat
65 Within
66 Org.
68 Tulle
70 Choose