The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 Happiness
6 Gasoline
11 Metronome
14 Scoop
15 Athletic field
16 Bullfight cheer
17 Egg-shaped
18 Type of race
19 Rodent
20 Hill where Jesus
     was crucified
22 Survey
24 Vane direction
25 "To the right!"
26 Revile
27 Costly
30 U.S. Air Force
32 Wavy character
33 __ A Small
34 All tucked in
35 Physique
36 Sea of __
38 New___ (City)
42 __ Francisco
43 Hurried
44 Period
45 Villain in book of
48 Speck of wood,
     etc. (KJV)
49 This is my __
     given for you
50 Turquoise
51 The patience of
52 Central
     processing unit
54 Took control by
56 Egyptian king
60 1/1000 inch
61 Side note
63 Interest
64 Samuel's
65 What an
     orchestra makes
66 Jaded
67 Tribe of Israel
68 Sackcloth and
69 Irregular
1 Coalition
2 Magma
3 Object of false
4 Tiny piece
5 Type of car
6 Wife of Joseph
7 Unrefined metal
8 Tenet
9 Witless
10 "You can't eat
     just one" brand
11 Relating to the
     northern regions
12 Complacent
13 Spirit
21 Tribe of Israel
23 __ goes before
25 Tribe of Israel
27 Excavate
28 Airport abbr.
29 Sign language
31 Perceive
32 Said
34 Actor Alda
35 Back end of a
37 Son of Abraham
38 Choose
39 Hubbub
40 Cain fled to this
41 Eye infection
43 Cry
45 Overacted
46 Husband of
47 Fabric
48 In style
49 College
51 He had a
     manger for a
53 Hesitate
55 Dalai __
56 Chest muscles
57 Car
58 Mined metals
59 Dr. Jekyll and
     Mr. __
62 Stamping tool