The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 Experts
5 Sum
8 Biblical Greek
   word for love
13 Impetuous
14 Ghost's greeting
15 Unconscious
16 Chipper
17 No room for
     them in the __
18 Happening
19 They brought
20 I am the Alpha
     and the __
22 East northeast
23 Grave (alt. sp.)
25 Popular
27 Toothbrush
29 Fourth son of
33 Hard boiled food
36 Aleutian
38 Female parent
39 Songbird
41 Cry softly
42 Fun
43 Used to kill
45 Religious songs
48 Distress call
49 Caught sight of
51 Scottish people
53 Thirst quencher
54 Grouped
57 Lay
59 Villain in book of
62 Region
64 Author C. S.
66 Thief�s hideout
67 Imp
68 Last words of
69 December
70 Stupefy
71 Funeral hymn
72 Air
73 Garden of __
1 Regions
2 Load
3 N. Canadian
4 Unassertive
5 King of Gerar in
   the time of
6 Finished
7 Ding's partner
8 Whiz
9 Pilate was one
10 Last word of a
11 Enclosed
     section of
12 Time zone
13 Metronome
20 Voiced
21 College football
24 Women's
26 Levee
28 Water markers
30 OT prophet
31 Ammunition
32 Dozes
33 Otherwise
34 Girls
35 Grasp
37 Jack Ryan
     creator (2 wds)
40 Purling
44 "To the right!"
46 Person, place
     or thing
47 Short-term
50 Telegraphic
52 Placed at
55 Take off
56 Evil angel
57 Very large truck
58 Pitcher
60 Totals
61 Blessed are the
63 Able
64 Boy
65 Compass point
67 Compass point