The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 Pig food
5 Desert plants
10 Popular
13 Biblical weeds
15 Plant louse
16 Anger
17 Single
18 Opine
19 Order
20 Samson's evil
22 Afflictions sent
     against Egypt
24 Bro.'s sibling
25 Visit
26 Otherwise
27 Surplus
30 Object of false
32 Non __
33 Viper
34 Saul, later
35 Add
36 Retort
38 Palsy affected
42 Aurora
43 Thy word is a
     __ unto my feet
44 Certified public
45 Deepness
48 South American
49 Baseball's Nolan
50 Island
51 The Creator
52 Before,
54 Music players
56 Grasped
60 Expression of
61 Deck
63 Egyptian capital
64 Scarlet
65 Decree
66 Sacrificial table
67 Married woman
68 Sugar-free brand
69 Straightforward
1 Wall support
2 Trail
3 Voiced
4 Pass away
5 Money
6 Able
7 Place of worship
8 Official
9 Notion
10 Outer leg bone
11 Has the least
     amount of water
12 Body of water
     parted by God
14 Monetary unit
21 People from
23 Bacteria
25 Sun's name
27 Deface
28 Employ
29 Cycles per
31 Lemon
32 Devour
34 Winnie the __
35 Major prophet
37 Apostle
38 Standard or
39 Frosty
40 Environmental
     agency (abbr)
41 Tribe of Israel
43 Headed
45 Take away
46 OT book
47 Appeals
48 Brand of sticky
49 Selling again
51 Instruments to
     guide oxen
53 Biblical word for
     You idiot!
55 Dueling sword
56 Shed
57 Flat bread
58 Epochs
59 Rowboat
62 Frost