The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

Switch between puzzle and solution
1 Craze
4 Swear
8 Hard to pass
   through a
13 Dined
14 Scandinavian
15 Amount
16 Jogged
17 Pull in a fish
18 Puzzle
19 Excuse
21 For God so
     loved the __
23 Melancholy
24 Evil angels
26 Object of false
28 Allure
31 Globes
35 Little bit
38 Wasteland
39 Bottle
40 Greek god of
42 Cunnings
44 Twin brother of
45 Tribe of Israel
46 Whining speech
48 Shade tree
49 Abel's brother
50 Do without
52 Sego lily�s bulb
54 Looted
58 Samuel's
61 Cries
64 Gullible
65 Church official
67 Soothe
69 Turkey
70 Connected
71 Beers
72 Winter sport
73 Indigent
74 Parent teacher
75 Still
1 Unit of electric
2 Dickens' "__ of
   Two Cities" (2
3 Cloth
4 Ancient Greek
5 Employ
6 Killed
7 Fly alone
8 Condominium
9 Boxer
10 Cups
11 Austin novel
12 Guide
15 World (German)
20 Snake
22 Wealthiest
25 Brood
27 __ your neighbor
29 Heavenly sign
     for Noah
30 Book of maps
32 Ascent
33 Phoenician god
34 Ghetto
35 Baby powder
36 Location
37 Hindu goddess,
     consort of Siva
41 Transgressions
43 France &
     Germany river
47 Queen of beasts
50 Biblical Greek
     word for love
51 BB association
53 Black
55 Wee
56 Provoke
57 Dismiss
58 Black
59 Cover the
60 Island
62 Skip
63 You are the __
     of the earth
66 Lurked
68 Body of water