The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 Dense
5 Ball holder
8 El __ (Texas
12 Toothbrush
14 She
15 Muscle
16 Formal
17 Samuel's
18 Musical
19 Canoe propeller
20 Farewell
22 Central
24 Only
25 Book after
27 KJV possessive
29 Charity
31 Mexican money
32 Yellow metal
35 Quake
37 He built the ark
41 Veneration
42 Communication
     Workers of
     America (abr.)
43 Food and drug
44 Feat
46 Coral reef
48 Particle
49 Helps
51 A Gospel
53 What Israelites
     ate in desert
55 Popinjay
58 Failure
59 Greenwich Time
61 Recede
62 Traveler's aid
64 �Remember the
66 Sum
68 Holy book
70 Dismiss
71 Fear
72 Recess
73 Association
74 Billion years
75 Loch __ monster
1 Extinct bird
2 First husband of
3 Large (prefix)
4 Sandwich
5 KJV pronoun
6 Snake like fish
7 Little Mermaid's
8 Be nosey
9 Brother of
10 Unclean animals
11 One time
13 Tower of __
15 Boredom
21 Sweet potatoes
23 Object
26 Disappointed
28 Charged particle
30 Religious
31 Hymn of praise
32 Tribe of Israel
33 To be in debt
34 Downwind
36 The other half of
38 Often poetically
39 Hubbub
40 Youngest son of
45 Tribe of Israel
46 Father of Abel
47 The __ of God
48 American
     Kennel Club
50 Block of metal
52 Jewish teacher
53 Beasts of
54 John __ (U.S.
56 Mosey
57 What Charles is
     prince of
58 Nineteenth
     century art
60 Biblical weed
61 Garden of __
63 Domestic
65 Least amount
67 Pair
69 No room for
     them in the __