The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Crossword Puzzle

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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1 American
   Cancer Society
4 Rebound
9 Kitten's cry
12 Reserve
     Training Corps.
14 Biblical Greek
     word for love
15 Hook part
16 Native ruler
17 Christ's disciple
18 Against
19 Opera solo
21 Fickle
23 Replace a striker
26 Sailor's yes
27 Bethlehem
31 Sleeps
36 Jinx
37 Canal
38 Brand of cold
39 Waterless
41 Suggest
43 Presentation
44 Courteous
46 Sandwich fish
48 Inclined
49 Swelling
50 Seasonal wish
     (with 8D)
52 Manta
54 Resound
55 Squash
59 Young
62 Drink quickly
63 Urgent requests
66 Women's
68 He survived the
     Great Flood
69 Howdy
70 Strong cord
71 Turf
72 Improvise a
73 Man's best friend
1 Exist

3 Mix
4 Head cover
5 Stage of life
6 Assess
7 Musical
8 See 50A
9 Bethlehem
10 Little Mermaid's
11 West by north
13 Brisk
15 "Blind as a __"
20 Throb
22 Air (prefix)
24 Eagle's nest
25 Lip
27 Carve
28 Bethlehem bad
29 Expatriate
30 Deepness
32 Discontinue
33 Cook vegetables
34 Florida City
35 Scottish people
38 Doubter
40 Darken
42 Draw
45 Biblical weed
47 Pallid
50 Biked
51 __ of Babel
53 I am the __ and
     the Omega
55 Scat!
56 Courtyard
57 Good grief!
58 Place for the
60 Lump
61 Dog food brand
62 Central nervous
64 Boxer
65 Weep