The Christian Bible Reference Site

Crossword Puzzle: Animals

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2 Food of John
   the Baptist
5 Therefore do
   not fear; you are
   of more value
   than many __
7 Daniel was
   thrown into a
   den of __
9 Beware of false
   prophets, who
   come to you in
   clothing, but
   inwardly they
   are ravenous __
10 As the __ pants
     for streams of
     water, so I long
     for you, O God.
11 First bird
     released by
14 Before the __
     crows, you will
     disown me
     three times!
15 Most frequently
     animal in the
1 Jesus' parable
   of the sheep
   and __
3 It is easier for a
   __ to go through
   the eye of a
   needle than for
   a rich man to
   enter the
   kingdom of God
4 White animal in
6 Eden tempter
7 The __ of God,
   who takes away
   the sin of the
8 Do not give
   what is holy to
   the dogs; nor
   cast your pearls
   before __
10 The Holy Spirit
     appeared at
     Jesus' baptism
     as this animal
12 Industrious
     insect of
13 Jesus fed 5000
     with two __ and
     five loaves of