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Crossword Puzzle: Blessings and Woes

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1 Blessed are
   those who
   mourn, for they
   will be ___
5 Blessed are
   those who
   hunger and
   thirst for
   for they will be
7 Blessed are the
   poor in spirit, for
   theirs is the ___
   of heaven
8 Woe to you who
   laugh now, for
   you will ___ and
10 Woe to you who
     are well fed
     now, for you
     will go ___
12 Blessed are you
     who weep now,
     for you will ___
13 Blessed are the
     meek, for they
     will inherit the
14 Blessed are
     those who are
     ___ because of
     for theirs is the
     kingdom of
2 Blessed are the
   merciful, for
   they will be
   shown ___
3 Blessed are you
   when people
   insult you,
   persecute you
   and falsely say
   all kinds of ___
   against you
   because of me
4 Woe to you
   when all men
   speak ___ ___
   ___, For so did
   their fathers to
   the false
6 Blessed are the
   for they will be
   called children
   of ___
9 But woe to you
   who are ___, for
   you have
   already received
   your comfort.
10 Blessed are the
     pure in ___, for
     they will see God
11 Blessed are you
     when men ___
     you, when they
     exclude you and
     insult you and
     reject your
     name as evil,
     because of the
     Son of Man