The Christian Bible Reference Site

Crossword Puzzle: Famous Quotes II

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3 For where your
   treasure is,
   there your ___
   will be also
4 Do not throw
   your pearls
   before ___
6 They will beat
   their swords
   into ___ and
   their spears into
   pruning hooks.
   Nation will not
   take up sword
   against nation,
   nor will they
   train for war
7 ___ goes before
   destruction, a
   haughty spirit
   before a fall
8 A land flowing
   with milk and
9 Then you will
   know the truth,
   and the truth will
   ___ ___ ___
11 Glory to God in
     the highest, and
     on earth peace,
     ___ ___ toward
1 Am I my
   brother's ___?
2 Ask, and it shall
   be ___ ___
5 You are the ___
   of the world. A
   city on a hill
   cannot be
9 But Lot's wife
   looked back,
   and she
   became a pillar
   of ___
10 The harvest is
     plentiful, but the
     laborers are ___
11 You cannot
     serve both ___
     and money