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Crossword Puzzle: Love

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2 Love your ___
   as yourself
4 If anyone says,
   "I love God," yet
   hates his
   brother, he is a
   ___. For anyone
   who does not
   love his brother,
   whom he has
   seen, cannot
   love God, whom
   he has not seen
5 By this all men
   will know that
   you are my ___,
   if you love one
6 A new
   command I give
   you: Love ___
11 For God so
     loved the
     ___that he gave
     his one and only
12 Love the Lord
     your God with
     all your___,
     soul, and mind
13 May the grace
     of the Lord
     Jesus Christ,
     and the love of
     God, and the
     fellowship of the
     ___ ___ be with
     you all
14 If you love those
     who love you,
     what credit is
     that to you?
     Even ___ love
     those who love
15 ___ is love
1 Love is ___,
   love is kind. It
   does not envy, it
   does not boast,
   it is not proud
3 And now these
   three remain:
   faith, ___ and
   love. But the
   greatest of
   these is love
7 Love your ___
   and pray for
   those who
   persecute you
8 Husbands, love
   your wives, just
   as ___ loved the
   church and
   gave himself up
   for her to make
   her holy
9 And he has
   given us this
   Whoever loves
   God must also
   love his ___
10 If I give all I
     possess to the
     poor and
     surrender my
     body to the
     flames, but
     have not love, I
     gain ___