The Christian Bible Reference Site

Crossword Puzzle: Places

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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3 Sea of ___
7 Residents of
   this city tried to
   build a tower to
10 Jesus was
     arrested in this
13 Ancient Jewish
15 Jesus was
     baptized in this
16 God gave
     Moses the Ten
     on this mountain
1 Jesus was
   crucified on this
2 Jesus was born
4 The Corinthians
   lived here
5 The Jewish
   temple was here
6 Jesus grew up
8 Moses led the
   people out of
   slavery in this
9 Joshua fought
   the battle of ___
11 Noah's ark
     landed in the
     mountains of
     this region
12 God destroyed
     this city by fire
14 Jesus turned
     water in wine at
     a wedding here