The Christian Bible Reference Site

Crossword Puzzle: The Sermon on the Mount

Desktop, laptop: Type with your regular keyboard. Click on a square to type across. Click twice to type down. Or click on a clue then type. Or print this page and solve on paper. Tablet, mobile, smartphone, touchscreen: Type with the on-screen keyboard below the puzzle. Tap a square to type across. Tap twice to type down. The Solve button at the top of the puzzle shows the solution.

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5 Blessed are
   those who
   hunger and
   thirst for __, for
   they will be filled
6 Blessed are the
   poor in spirit, for
   theirs is the __
   of heaven
11 Blessed are the
     meek, for they
     will inherit the __
13 So in
     everything, do to
     __ what you
     would have
     them do to you
14 But I tell you that
     anyone who is
     angry with a
     brother or sister
     will be subject
     to __
15 Give to the one
     who asks you,
     and do not turn
     away from the
     one who wants
     to __ from you.
1 You are the __
   of the world
2 Ask and it will
   be given to you;
   seek and you
   will find; __ and
   the door will be
   opened to you
3 Do not store up
   for yourselves
   __ on earth
4 Blessed are the
   __, for they will
   be called
   children of God
7 Enter through
   the narrow gate.
   For wide is the
   gate and broad
   is the road that
   leads to __
8 Blessed are
   those who
   mourn, for they
   will be __
9 Love your
   enemies and
   pray for those
   who __ you
10 __ are the
     merciful, for
     they will receive
12 Blessed are the
     pure in heart, for
     they will __ God