The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Quiz: Parable of the Wicked Tenants

Select one answer for each question. Then click the SCORE button at bottom to check your answers.

1) The Parable of the Wicked Tenants is told in Matthew 21:33-43, Mark 12:1-11 and Luke 20:9-18. Jesus tells the story of a landowner who built a vineyard and rented it to tenants to farm. Who did the landowner represent in this story?

The Chief Priest of the Temple


John the Baptist


2) When the landowner sent his slaves (or servants) to collect the rent, the tenants killed them. Who did the slaves represent?

The Pharisees

The prophets

The Sadducees

The Romans

3) The landowner next sent his son, and the tenants killed the son too. Who did the son represent?

The Chief Priest of the Temple


John the Baptist


4) Who did the wicked tenants represent?

The Sadducees

The Romans

Religious leaders

The Philistines